Compiling Native C/C++ library for Android


This article describes method to compile C/C++ library for mobile devices which use Android OS.

Installation and Code Compilation

Before Proceeding make sure that you have all the below software components installed and configured in Eclipse

  • Eclipse IDE

Develope the code on Desktop Computer and check if you are able to compile it properly without errors.

The present example consists of files containing following classes

  • UniStrokeGestureRecognizer
  • UniStrokeGesture
  • GesturePoint

The library has been successfully compiled on the Ubuntu OS and now we proceed with cross compilation of the library for ARM based mobile devices which use the Android OS.

Cross Compilation

The simplest approach to do this is to use the Eclipse IDE.The Eclipse IDE provides features for adding native C/C++ support to an existing Android based project.

The  project name is AndroidGesture.Right click on an Android project and

select Android Tools -> Add native support.

And enter the desired library name as OpenVision

This will configure the AndroidProject for the native build.Create a jni folder with OpenVision.cpp file and associated make file

Copy the all the C/C++ project files in the jni folder and then proceed to modify the file to configure for native build.

Create a directory called OpenVision in the jni directory

Copy all of the following files in the ImageApp subdirectory 

  • UniStrokeGestureRecognizer.cpp
  • UniStrokeGestureRecognizer.hpp
  • UniStrokeGesture.cpp
  • UniStrokeGesture.hpp
  • GesturePoint.cpp
  • GesturePoint.hpp

Copy the file OpenCVCommon.hpp in the Common Subdirectory

The preset code uses OpenCV libraries.Copy the attached OpenCV pre-compiled libraries for ARM in the libs/armeabi and libs/armeabi2 directories.


below are the contents of file.This file is like a standard make file containing the include paths,source files,library dependencies etc.Few of the syntaxes are specific to android build and explaination is provided in the comments file

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)

# name of the library to be built
LOCAL_MODULE    := OpenVision
#list of source files to be build as part of the library
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ImgApp/GesturePoint.cpp ImgApp/UniStrokeGesture.cpp ImgApp/UniStrokeGestureRecognizer.cpp

# list of dependent 3rd party or external libraries are included in the LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARY variable
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := $(foreach module,$(OPENCV_LIBS3),opencv_$(module)) 
OPENCV_MODULES3:=core imgproc flann contrib features2d video  highgui legacy ml objdetect  

# list of dependent system libraries
LOCAL_LDLIBS +=  -fPIC -llog -ldl -lm  -lz -lm -lc -lgcc -Wl,-rpath,'libs/armeabi-v7a' 
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/../libs/armeabi -llog -Llibs/armeabi-v7a/ 

# include path for header files for C and C++ applications
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES +=/usr/local/include /usr/local/include/opencv2 /home/pi19404/repository/OpenVision/OpenVision
LOCAL_CPP_INCLUDES +=/usr/local/include /usr/local/include/opencv2 /home/pi19404/repository/OpenVision/OpenVision
#The compilation flags for C/C++ applications
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -DHAVE_NEON -fPIC -DANDROID -I/usr/local/include/opencv  -I/usr/local/include   -I/OpenVision -I/home/pi19404/repository/OpenVision/OpenVision -fPIC
LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_NEON -fPIC -DANDROID  -I/usr/local/include/opencv -I/usr/local/include -I/OpenVision -I/home/pi19404/repository/OpenVision/OpenVision -fPIC
LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES += exceptions

#statement specifies build of a shared library

#files in the libs/armeabi are deleted during each build
#we need to have 3rd party opencv libraries in this directory
#the files are placed in the armeabi2 directory
#when ever a native build is trigged the opencv library files specified in the OPENCV_MODULES2
#variable are copied from the armeabi2 directory to the armeabi or armeabi-v7a directory
#as per the specification of APP_ABI in the file

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
OPENCV_MODULES2:= calib3d contrib  core features2d flann highgui imgproc  legacy ml nonfree objdetect photo stitching  video videostab

define add_opencv_module1	
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
	LOCAL_PATH := libs/armeabi2

$(foreach module,$(OPENCV_LIBS2),$(eval $(call add_opencv_module1,$(module)))) make file

APP_ABI :=   armeabi-v7a armeabi
APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_PLATFORM    := android-8
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions -ftree-vectorize  -mfpu=neon -O3 -mfloat-abi=softfp -ffast-math

After building the project the files can be found in the libs/armeabi and libs/armeabi-v7a directories.These have been cross-compiled for use on android based devices.

These can now be loaded and called from java application using JNI Interface


The pre compiled opencv libraries for Android can be found at

The source and make files used above came be found in the OpenVision repository at

The and files and contents of jni directory can be found below

Android Touch Gestures Capturing Interface


In this article we will look at android application to capture touch gestures.This module is first part  of generic touch based gesture recognition library.


Gesture is a prerecorded touch screen motion sequency.Gesture recognition is an active research area in the field of pattern recognition,image analysis and computer vision.

We will have several modes in which application can operate.One of options the user can select is to capture and store the candidate gesture.

The aim would be to build a generic C/C++ library that can store gestures is a user defined format.

Gesture Registration Android Interface

This process of capturing and storing information about candidate gesture classes  is called gesture registration.

In the present article we will use the GestureOverlay method.A gesture overlay acts as a simple drawing board on which the user can draw his gestures. The user  can modify  several visual properties, like the color and the width of the stroke used to draw gestures, and register various listeners to follow what the user is doing.

To capture gestures and process them first stem is to add a GestureOverlayView to store_gesture.xml XML layout file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


android:orientation="vertical" >






            android:text="@string/button_done" />
            android:text="@string/button_discard" />

Some properties of gesture overlay are specified that the gestures stroke type is single indicating unistroke gestures.

Now in the main activity file we just need to set the content view to the layout file.In the present application the name of layout file is “activity_open_vision_gesture.xml”.

Since we also need to capture or process the gesture once they are performed we add a gesture listerner to the overlay.The most commonly used listener is GestureOverlayView.OnGesturePerformedListener which fires whenever a user is done drawing a gesture.We use a class GesturesProcessor that implements the GestureOverlayListner.

Once the gesture is drawn by the user the control flow enters the onGestureEnded method.Here we copy the gesture   and can perform host of activities like storing,predicting etc.

Below is a image of the UI Interface

private class GesturesProcessor implements GestureOverlayView.OnGestureListener {
        public void onGestureStarted(GestureOverlayView overlay, MotionEvent event) {
            mGesture = null;

        public void onGesture(GestureOverlayView overlay, MotionEvent event) {

        //callback function entered when the gesture registration is completed
        public void onGestureEnded(GestureOverlayView overlay, MotionEvent event) {
           //copy the gesture to local variable
            mGesture = overlay.getGesture();
          //ignore the gesture if length is below a threshold
            if (mGesture.getLength() < LENGTH_THRESHOLD) {
          //enable the store button

        public void onGestureCancelled(GestureOverlayView overlay, MotionEvent event) {

Upon clicking the store button the program enters “onStore” callback function.

    public void addGesture(View v) {
    	Log.e("CreateGestureActivity","Adding Gestures");
        //function which extracts information from the Android Gesture Objects like locations and then make native library function calls to store the gesture

We define all the JNI Interface functions in the class GestureLibraryInterface.We define 2 JNI Interface calls to the native C/C++ gesture library

public class GestureLibraryInterface {
    //makes native calls to GestureLibrary to store gesture information in local filesystem
    public native static void addGesture(ArrayList%lt;Float> location,ArrayList<Long> time,String name);
    //make native calls to GestureLibrary to set the gesture directory
    public native static void setDirectory(String name);

The first step is to set the directory where the Gestures will be stored by making the “setDirectory” call.This is done when the AndroidActivity is initialized in the “onCreate” function.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mDoneButton = findViewById(;
        eText = (EditText) findViewById(;
        GestureOverlayView overlay = (GestureOverlayView) findViewById(;
        overlay.addOnGestureListener(new GesturesProcessor());

The extractGestureInfo reads the gesture strokes and stores the locations in ArrayList which is passed to native C/C++ using JNI Interface.

private static final String DIR=Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+"/AndroidGesture/v1";
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //load the store activity GUI layoyt files
        //gets the store button object
        mDoneButton = findViewById(;
        //get the EditText object
        eText = (EditText) findViewById(;
        //configures the gestureOverLay Listener
        GestureOverlayView overlay = (GestureOverlayView) findViewById(;
        overlay.addOnGestureListener(new GesturesProcessor());
        //gets the gesture directory  

The JNI C/C++ codes associated with the java class are defined in the file GestureLibraryInterface.cpp and GestureLibraryInterface.hpp files

//function calls the GetureRegognizer methods to add gesture to class path
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_openvision_androidgesture_GestureLibraryInterface_addGesture(JNIEnv *, jobject, jobject, jobject, jstring);

//function calls the GestureRecognizer methods to set the main gesture directory path
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_openvision_androidgesture_GestureLibraryInterface_setDirectory(JNIEnv *, jobject, jstring);

//Utility functions to convert from jobject datatype to float and Long
float getFloat(JNIEnv *env,jobject value);
long getLong(JNIEnv *env,jobject value);

The UniStrokeGesture Library consits of the following files

  • UniStrokeGestureLibary
  • UniStrokeGesture
  • GesturePoint

The UniStrokeGestureLibrary Class encapsulates all the properties of Unistroke gestures.It contains methods for storing,retriving and predicting the gestures amongst others.

The “addGesture” JNI Method calls the save routine implemented in the class to Store the Gestures

The UniStrokeGestureLibrary consists of a sequence of objects of type UniStrokeGesture.

The objects of class UniStrokeGesture encapsulates all the properties of single gesture class.UniStrokeGesture Class contains facility to store multiple instances of sample gesture,as UniStroke Gesture can be represented by multiple candidated instances.

The UniStrokeGesture is contains as sequence of objects of type GesturePoint.Each Gesture points represents a element of UniStrokeGesture and is characterized by its location in 2D grid.

 *  function that stores the Gesture to a specified directory
void UniStrokeGestureRecognizer::save(string dir,vector points)

    char abspath1[1000],abspath2[1000];
    int count=0;

    //check if directory exists else create it
    int ret=ImgUtils::createDir((const char *)abspath1);


     //writing contents to file in csv format
     ofstream file(abspath2,std::ofstream::out);
     for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
         GesturePoint p=points[i];
         file << p.position.x <<",";
         file << p.position.y<< ","

     //creating a bitmap while storing the CSV file


Consider an example of gesture stored in CSV format


The generateBitMap fuction loads the gesture points from the input csv file and generates a bitmap image that is suitable for display

void UniStrokeGestureRecognizer::generateBitmap(string file)
   string basedir=ImgUtils::getBaseDir(file);
   string name=ImgUtils::getBaseName(file);
   string line;
   //ifstream classFile(file.c_str());

   float x,y;
   cv::Mat image=cv::Mat(640,480,CV_8UC3);
   Point x1,x2,x3;
   int first=-1;
   int delta=20;
   vector points;
   //loading the gesture from CSV file

   //getting the bounding box
   Rect R=boundingBox(points);
   //drawing the gesture
   int i=0;
   for(i=1;i<points.size();i++) point="" r="Rect(max(0,R.x-delta),max(0,R.y-delta),R.width+2*delta,R.height+2*delta);" r.width="" x1="cv::Point((int)points[i].position.x,(int)points[i].position.y);" x2="cv::Point((int)points[i-1].position.x,(int)points[i-1].position.y);">image.cols)

   //extract the ROI
   Mat roi=image(R);
   Mat dst;
   string bmpname=basedir+"/"+name+".bmp";
   //save the bitmap


Display the Gesture List

The next part of the application deals with displaying the gesture created in the above section on the Android UI.

Upon starting the application all the bmp files  in the template directory are loaded

The activity of loading the gestures the bitmaps is done in background asynchronously.

In android a ListView is used to display the gesture bitmaps and associated text.

Layout each item of the list is defined in the file gesture_item.xml

<TextView xmlns:android=""



    android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" />

The layout for ListView is defined in the main layout file activity_open_vision.xml

The displayGestures function defined in

A object of type “AsyncTask“,GesturesLoadTask is defined in the main class files.This methods of these classes is called from the displayGestures function,which loads the gesture list in the background.

The objects of class ArrayTask reuire three methods to be defined.

  • doInBackground – main function executed in the background
  • onPreExecute – the function invoked before background task  is executed
  • onPostExecute – the function invoked after the background task has executed
  • onProgressUpdate – the function can be used to update UI contents while background task is executing

In the background task ,the code parses throught the gesture template directory and reads all the bitmap files.

An ArrayAdapter  takes an Array and converts the items into View objects to be loaded into the ListView container.We define an adapter which maintains a NamedGesture objects which contain the gesture name and identifier.The “getView” function in the ArrayAdapter class is responsible for converting the java object to View.

we maintain a List of Bitmaps identified by a ID as well as List of Gesture names represented by the SameID.

When ever a bitmap is read we update the lists and GUI so that it can be displayed by calling the “publishProgress” function which leads to onProgressUpdate function being called in the main UI thread.

Using this approach we can see the bitmaps being populated with time

        protected Integer doInBackground(Void... params) {
            if (isCancelled()) return STATUS_CANCELLED;
            if (!Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) {
                return STATUS_NO_STORAGE;


            Long id=new Long(0);
        	File list = new File(CreateGestureActivity.DIR);
        	//get list of template classes
        	File[] files = list.listFiles(new DirFilter());
        	for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++)
                //get list of image files in the template folder
        		File[] list1=files[i].listFiles(new ImageFileFilter());
        		for(int k=0;k<list1.length;k++)
                            //load the image files
         		     BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
         		     options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
        		     Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(list1[k].getPath(), options);        		
                 	     Bitmap ThumbImage = ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail(bitmap, mThumbnailSize, mThumbnailSize);
        	             final NamedGesture namedGesture = new NamedGesture();

                    = files[i].getName()+"_"+list1[k].getName();
                             //add bitmap to hashtable
                             mAdapter.addBitmap((Long)id, ThumbImage);
                             //update the GUI

            return STATUS_SUCCESS;

Once the add function in adapter is called ,the UI ListView is updated by displaying the gesture name and associated bitmap in the “getView” function

        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
            if (convertView == null) {
                //view associated with individual gesture item
                convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.gestures_item, parent, false);
            //get the gesture at specified position in the listView
            final NamedGesture gesture = getItem(position);
            final TextView label = (TextView) convertView;

            //set the gesture names
            //get the bitmap from hashtable identified by id and display bitmap to left of text
            label.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(mThumbnails.get(,null, null, null);

            return convertView;


The files found in the ImgApp Directory form the OpenVision repository and can be found at github repository

The complete android project can be found at samples/Android/AndroidGestureCapture directory in OpenVision repository.This is android project source package and can be directly imported onto eclipse and run directly.The application was tested on Mobile device with Android Version 4.1.2.Compatibility with other Android OS versions has not been tested or kept in consideration while developing the application.

You need to have OpenCV installed on you system.The present application was developed on Ubuntu 12.04 OS.The paths in the are specified based on this.For windows or other OS or if OpenCV paths are different modify the make file accordingly

The apk File Can be downloaded from

Introduction to the Legendre Transform

Jonathan Manton's Blog

I have not come across an introduction to the Legendre transform which was entirely intuitive and satisfying.  The article Making Sense of the Legendre Transform is one such attempt and has a number of attractive features.  However, like other attempts, it immediately links the Legendre transform to re-parametrising a function by its derivative, yet this link is not made crystal clear. Below, I present an alternative introduction to the Legendre transform which takes as its starting point the fact that a convex set is uniquely defined by the collection of its supporting hyperplanes.

My purpose is not to be rigorous, but instead, to present just enough facts for the reader to be comfortable with the basic ideas surrounding the Legendre transform and to tune the reader’s receptiveness to other pedagogic material on Legendre transforms.

The Legendre Transform

Readers are invited to draw their favourite convex function $latex f: mathbb{R} rightarrow…

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Conditional Random Fields: A Beginner’s Survey

Some references to start with conditional random fields

Onionesque Reality

One interesting project that I am involved in these days involves certain problems in Intelligent Tutors. It turns out that perhaps one of the best ways to tackle them is by using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). Many attempts to solving these problems still involve Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). Since I have never really been a Graphical Models guy (though I am always fascinated) so I found the going on studying CRFs quite difficult. Now that the survey is more or less over, here are my suggestions for beginners to go about learning them.

Tutorialsand Theory

1.Log-Linear Models and Conditional Random Fields (Tutorial by Charles Elkan)

Log-linear Models and Conditional Random Fields
Charles Elkan

6 videos: Click on Image above to view

Two directions of approaching CRFs are especially useful to get a good perspective on their use. One of these is considering CRFs as an alternate to…

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